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New Mood™
There's a new mood rising!
New Mood™ is designed to improve the energy metabolism of your body and to improve the functioning of the brain and the nervous systems. New Mood™ contains 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan), a naturally occurring amino acid. It is a chemical conversion of the amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan is naturally present in many animal products (such as dairy and some meats), as well as in some seeds. Upon digestion, tryptophan will be converted into 5-HTP. 5-HTP Is often produced from the seeds of griffonia simplicifolia, an African plant. Since New Mood contains both tryptophan and 5-HTP the effects will last longer.
In addition to 5-HTP and Tryptophan, New Mood also contains several other vitamins and minerals. Magnesium is important for a good muscle function and stimulates the metabolism of energy. Valerian and lemon balm help to maintain normal sleep patterns. This helps to maintain a good physical and mental balance.
Find your Nirvana
Nirvana, also described as a state of pure wellness, is important in many different religions and ways of life as an ideal state of "being". This balanced state of mind and body is hard to maintain in the everyday life, where stress plays an important role.
New MOOD gives a positive impulse for a good mental and physical balance. The natural ingredients in this formula work together to achieve an optimal impact.
Natural ingredients
L-Tryptophan is an essential amino acid found naturally occurring in turkey and other proteins.
Is derived from the amino acid tryptophan. 5-HTP is usually produced from the seeds of the Griffonia Simplificolia, an African plant
Magnesium – 150 mg
One of the most important minerals for the body. Supports among other things a normal psychological function and is important for the muscular system.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 is made by the body when the skin is in touch with UV-rays from the sun. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) helps to regulate the immune system and supports skeletal health. Vitamin D3 stimulates the absorption of phosphor and calcium.
Chamomille (1.2% Apigenin)
Chamomille is an ancient herb that has been used for centuries as it boosts the immune system and helps to achieve optimal relaxation.
Vitamine B6
Has a positive influence on the reduction of tiredness and improves brain functions related to logical reasoning.
Helps release nutrients from food. May help to maintain concentration and alertness
Valerian Root
Valerian root, also known as valeriana officinalis is a strong and alwaus flowering plant native to Europe and parts of Asia. Valeriaan contributes to a healthy sleeping pattern.
Lemon Balm (4:1 Concentrate)
Lemon Balm, Melissa officinalis, is a European plant related to mint. The ancient Greeeks already used the plant 2000 years ago. Lemon Balm contributes to a healthy sleeping pattern.
The jujube tree originates from China and is cultivated across the world for its seeds and fruits.
Please Note: Due to regulations, it is not possible to pay New Mood via PayPal or Credit Card. If you want to pay with PayPal, please contact our customer service at [email protected].
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Echt fantastisch. Ontzettend dankbaar dat deze webshop dit product toegankelijk maakt voor Nederlanders.

Dit product helpt me met mijn nachtdiensten. Onregelmatig werken had best invloed op mijn stemming, dat vang ik hiermee aardig op. Slaap er ook dieper door en geeft intense dromen.

Ik loop al zo'n 2 jaar te dobben met enorme stemmingswisselingen, ik was van plan om eens naar psycholoog te gaan. Af en toe werd ik echt gek van mezelf (en mijn vriend wellicht nog gekker aangezien ik zwaar onredelijk kon zijn). Sinds ik deze supplementen gebruik heb ik er eigenlijk vrijwel direct geen last meer van gehad. Zelfs niet nu vlak voor mijn menstruatie. Daarnaast word ik naar mijn idee ook een stuk uitgeruster wakker. Ik sliep sowieso nooit slecht. Dus ik kan niet zeggen dat ik beter ben gaan slapen. Maar ik voel me wel fitter in de ochtend. Ik snooze bijvoorbeeld een stuk minder. Ook heb ik het idee minder nachtmerries te hebben. Ik zou het iedereen aanraden. De reden dat ik 4 sterren heb gekozen is vanwege de prijs. Ik vind het erg prijzig (zeker omdat op internet genoeg goedkopere varianten te vinden zijn).

Ik slaap behoorlijk slecht en dit is vaak de volgende morgen te merken tijdens mijn lange autoritten. Met New Mood merk ik dat ik beter en dieper slaap. Ik heb geen moeite meer met het opstaan 's morgens en voel me beduidend fitter gedurende de dag.